AgriMedia : Hi Tech Village

by Digital AgriMedia



Digital AgriMedia is Gujarats & Indiaโ€™s most trusted organization for Indian agriculture especially...

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Digital AgriMedia is Gujarats & Indiaโ€™s most trusted organization for Indian agriculture especially for farming, AgriMedia is one of the best e-Agriculture app of India for Agriculture Education, Extension, Digitalization and rural development. We have developed AgriMedia app to provide audio/video education about Agriculture, this is best distance learning extension education for agricultural revolution in India. Our aim to make traditional agriculture and rural people more powerful, commercial and professional. We have produced complete scientific crop cultivation process video from land preparation to harvesting which are value additions for Farmers to increase their income. Our videos are in Gujarati, Hindi and English Languages.๐ŸŽฌ Video sectionAudio visual is the best media for transfer of technology in agriculture sector. Farmer can get the technical information in video form so educated and uneducated farmerโ€™s can understand very well. In AgriMedia TV Video section has the collection of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Organic Farming, Rural Development, Technology, Success Story of farmers and Government scheme videos. โ“ Question Answer Farmer has many problems about farm business. They do not have any solution about these problems. Hans AgriMedia TV has started question answer section for farmers. Farmer can ask any type of question with photographs and they will get the technical solution about their problem on mobile at field level.๐Ÿช Buy and Sell In agriculture sector main problem is that farmer are not getting the right price for their produce, To solve the this problems farmer have buy sell section at village level. They can sell or buy their any agricultural produce like cereals, pulses, oil seeds, cash crop as well Horticultural produce like vegetable, fruit, flowers, spices and condiments and also Dry fruits, forest and medicinal produce, Animal husbandry like cow, bull, buffalo, horse sheep, goat, camel, poultry etc. as well Farm machinery like tractor, man operated implements, Bullock operated implements sowing, weeding, inter culturing, plant protection and harvesting farm implements etc.๐Ÿ“ˆ Market rate Farmer can get the Mandi (Market) prices at nearest APMC center. AgriMedia TV provides the comparative prices between different market at district level and state level with maximum, minimum and moderate price in graphical formation and also user can see the trend of market. ๐Ÿ—ž News Farmers can get latest news and latest information about agriculture in their mobile. Nowadays latest technology and latest trends must require surviving in market. We are giving trustworthy, Quality and useful news day by day. ๐Ÿ“š Digital library To establish digital library in the rural area is the main aim of AgriMedia TV. Farmer can get all the information about Agriculture Horticulture, Animal husbandry, Fisheries, Poultry Farming, Rural development, Cooperation, Panchayat etc.He can read the monthly and weekly reputed Magazines without any cost like Krushi Go Vidya, Krushi jivan, Krushi Prabhat, Krushi Vigyan etc.๐Ÿงฎ Agri-CalculatorTo reduce crop production cost and increase the production is the main aim of AgriMedia TV. We have prepared four different types of calculators like Fertilizer, Seed rate, Crop distance and Pesticides. ๐ŸŒฆ WhetherIndia is the country where farming is still depends on Rain, in this condition the weather parameters like Rain, Wind, Temperature, Humidity etc. are affecting the crop production. AgriMedia Weather is the best solution.โ˜Ž PhonebookDistrict Wise Contact details of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Cooperation, KVKs, ATMA, AMPCs etc. with name of Offices.๐Ÿ‘” Employment Our latest feature for Students for latest job requirements and for companies for finding the appropriate employee. This is our free job portal for Job seeker and Job provider.โ‰ QuizImprove your Knowledge by playing Quiz. You will get one Question daily.